“Best-laid plans” refers to something that has not turned out the way one had wanted

The quote “best-laid plans” implies that one should expect that events may not always turn out the way you had planned.  That describes 2020 for most of us!

We encountered many unexpected changes last year. The good news is that we did get through the year.  Some changes might be considered positive, such as more dinners together or commuting time reallocated to self-care time.

Some changes have been more difficult

You may recall when social distancing rules were put into place, we expected to be home for a month or two at the most.  As the infection numbers increased, it was clear that our expectations needed to change.  Who could have foreseen how the social distancing measure would continue into 2021?

At this point, you may be ready for a change back to ‘normal’.  You may have made plans for this year like vacations or returning to the office, or having your children back in school.

How you handle change

How you react to change is in your hands. You can either resist change or embrace it — but you cannot dismiss it.

Taking the emotions out of your decision-making process will help you to make the best decision.  This will make it easier to change course because emotions and/or ego were not an oversized part of your initial process.

Also, staying open to change will help you be more resilient, and maybe, just maybe, those changes will be for the better.

There is still uncertainty, at least for now.  How can you stay positive when your environment keeps changing?

  • Be open to multiple outcomes.  Remember, there is likely more than one road that leads to your destination.
  • Accept that some things are out of your control.  Look for workarounds.
  • Examine your emotions that are associated with change.  Then, let go of those emotions.
  • Think positive thoughts.  Know that change could mean a better outcome, one that might not have been anticipated.
  • Be in the present moment by focusing on your breath.
  • Expect the unexpected.

Many of us were expecting that 2021 would be back to normal, only to discover that our immediate environment has not changed much.

In the past, I would imagine every possible outcome when facing change so there would be no surprises.  I no longer do that because some experiences that have given me lemons have now turned into lemonade.

Embrace Change for your Health and Happiness

Change affects everyone differently

It may bring a flood of emotions, thoughts, and uncertainty.  Take a moment to assess how you feel about change.  Then, take some deep breaths and practice letting go of those emotions.

Learn to be more resilient

The path of our lives does not come with a straight road ahead.  There will be twists and turns along the way.  However, as you adapt to stressful situations and navigate change, you will become more resilient, leading to more personal growth.

Anyone can develop more resilience.  Just accept that it takes time and a positive intention to navigate change.

Bottom Line: The one sure thing is that there will be more change.  When change inevitably arrives: embrace it!

If you’re interested in trying private virtual yoga or meditation or would like to know more information, send me a message or call (973) 476-8661

Are you tired of living with pain?

Are your activities and daily choices determined by your level of pain?

Are you ready to change your life for the better and gain back your physical freedom?

My unique and custom designed approach comes from years of training, education and experience.  Together, we will get you back to living pain free and enjoying life.

Sign up for a private session today

It’s never too late to try something new.

About Linda Wheeler

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