How To Be More Resilient

By examining how astronauts handle extended isolation

Astronauts spend months in space, mostly with others, in a small area. There is nowhere to go and things to do are limited. How do they do it?

Yes, astronauts prepare to go into space. Therefore, they have an advantage over us because we did not get to prepare for a stay at home over an extended period. The only thing, we probably have more options; for example, we can go outside or take a drive in the car.

How Our Imagination Affects Us

Typically, astronauts know the total amount of time they will spend in space. For us, however, there is no specific end date because we don’t know what the timeline will be. Uncertainty is hard, maybe the hardest thing for us because our brain spends a significant amount of time thinking about the future. The mind can imagine all sorts of things, usually, including the worst things that could happen.

H.P. Lovecraft, a legendary author, said, “There’s evidence that an inability to tolerate uncertainty is a central feature of most anxiety disorders, and that uncertainty stokes the sorts of ‘catastrophic interpretations’ that fuel panic attacks.

Researchers have indicated that one’s ability to weather uncertainty helps to develop resilience.

Having something to focus on gives people a sense of control, making uncertainty easier. Those who struggle with uncertainty tend to worry, imagining all the different outcomes. Unfortunately, worrying does not prepare anyone for outcomes. It does seem to make one less confident in their ability to problem-solve, however.

Also, the more people worry, the brain builds and strengthens neuro-connections that reinforce worrying.

Steps YOU can take to be more resilient:

  • Do something you enjoy or talk with a friend. Do anything that helps you focus on the present moment.
  • Keep your mind busy with work or completing projects.
  • Accept that uncertainty is a part of life. Feelings are bound to come up. Expect it and acknowledge those feelings.
  • Show kindness to someone. We feel better when we focus on others.
  • Connect with your sense of purpose. Astronauts have a strong sense of purpose. Much of their time is spent completing tasks and running scientific experiments. Since others designed some of those experiments, time is needed to learn how to execute those tasks. Learning is an essential component of their mission.

Uncertainty is also a part of the astronauts’ mission, but that is to be expected when you travel into space. In other words, learn to expect the unexpected.

Astronauts take time to observe the earth and contemplate what they see. You might say it’s like meditating.

Email and video conferencing help the astronauts stay in touch with their families. I wonder if they use Zoom. They also have fun watching movies, reading, and playing cards.

Exercise is essential for them to stay fit and healthy. Exercising helps the astronauts mentally, as well.

Embrace the twists and turns of life. Expect them. Know that there will be challenges. Bouncing back from difficulties makes all of us stronger, more resilient to meet life’s many challenges.

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