A lifestyle modeled after Tom Brady for optimal health

At age 43, Football Legend Tom Brady just won his 7th Super Bowl.  Currently, he is the oldest quarterback that is still playing.  In fact, Brady wants to continue playing for another two seasons.

You might be wondering:  “Just how does he do it?”

Well, a proper diet is top on his list, followed by a daily exercise regimen.

Brady says he consumes large amounts of water daily.  Everyone needs to stay hydrated because our bodies consist mostly of water.  Our tissues and organs need water to be healthy.  Besides, the fascia needs water to be able to slide and glide as we move.

Be aware of what you eat and the potential side effects of some foods

Here’s a peek into his mostly plant-based diet:

  • 80% of his diet is organic vegetables.
  • 20% is grass-fed organic lean meats, chicken, and wild salmon.
  • Whole grains consist of brown rice, quinoa, millet, and beans.
  • No nightshade vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms or eggplant (because they are known to be inflammatory).
  • No white sugar, white flour, caffeine, coffee, dairy or MSG.
  • Only olive oil with coconut oil for cooking.
  • Consumption of fruit is limited.
  • Snacks are seeds and nuts along with hummus or guacamole.
  • Himalayan pink salt replaces iodized salt.
  • Bone broth often rounds out his diet.

You might, at this point, be thinking that’s a big list, but there are MORE guidelines.

Don’t forget or dismiss the importance of fitness

Next on Brady’s list is his fitness routine.  Of course, he has a personal trainer.  The workouts begin with a short deep-tissue massage followed by exercises with resistance bands, then comes lunges, squats, and planks.  Also, he practices throwing a football.

Approximately half of his exercise time is spent on strength and conditioning.  More than half is spent on pliability sessions, either using a foam roller or being stretched manually.  Proper form and body alignment are important parts of Tom’s fitness routine.

All success starts with goals, action, commitment, and consistency.

No professional athlete could achieve their status without this success map.

You don’t need to be a professional athlete to implement their strategies or to win at the wellness game.

  1. Start with setting your goals; mapping out the steps to get there; then, start implementing.
  2. Take small steps every day.
  3. Don’t expect to be perfect. (Even Tom Brady says he eats pizza once in a while!)

Failure to implement and stay committed is one of the biggest reasons that some never reach their goals.  Setting unrealistic goals is another reason.

  • Start by setting a realistic goal but with a bit of a stretch.
  • “Celebrate” when you reach that goal.
  • Once you reach it, you can set another goal.
  • Continue to celebrate each goal attained!
  • Don’t let small setbacks discourage you from your goals.  The road to success is rarely a straight path.

Reach out for support

Recently, I was invited to join the conversation with a group of life and mindset coaches that support professional athletes.  The purpose of the conversation was to share strategies that are effective when supporting the professionals, athletes and high-level executives and business owners – – that rely upon these coaches.

Getting help and support when needed is an important part of a professional athlete’s success plan.  Rarely do they do it alone.

You don’t need to travel this path alone either.  I am here to support you.  Just reach out to me.

Bottom Line: Your goals may not be to win the Super Bowl, but that does not mean you can’t implement some of Tom Brady’s strategies to improve your own health and wellness.

Start today … and remember to keep on mov’in.  You will have less pain and discover more energy to do the things you love.

If you’re interested in trying private virtual yoga or meditation or would like to know more information, send me a message or call (973) 476-8661

Are you tired of living with pain?

Are your activities and daily choices determined by your level of pain?

Are you ready to change your life for the better and gain back your physical freedom?

My unique and custom designed approach comes from years of training, education and experience.  Together, we will get you back to living pain free and enjoying life.

Sign up for a private session today

It’s never too late to try something new.

About Linda Wheeler

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