Be a Tree

How Nature Can Help Guide Us In A Positive Way

Joy and Happiness Quote

Trees are rooted in the earth and reach up to the sky.  Notice the branches of the trees swaying in the wind, strong but flexible.

A tree opens to the sky for nourishment from the sun, the rain, and the moisture in the air.

Trees have strong roots that ground them. That grounding keeps them strong and from falling over even in the worst weather.

In the fall, the leaves turn colors, and many trees shed their leaves for winter. Shedding leaves is an active process to conserve resources and to protect the tree from being blown over in the winter months. One could say the trees are shedding what no longer serves them.

During a storm or strong wind, trees bend and sway to endure whatever comes their way. One could say that trees take it one day or one moment at a time. They never worry about what happens next. They just ‘be.’

The roots of a tree extend down into the earth, growing around rocks and other roots. This process makes the roots of trees stronger, reaching the nutrients they need to survive. Just like a tree, we can find creative ways around the obstacles that confront us as we move along our life path.

YOU are resilient, just like a tree, with a built-in propensity to endure and thrive, even in challenging circumstances. Your resilience helps you find creative ways around the obstacles that confront you as you move along your path.

Suggestion: ‘Be’ tree-like.

Go with the flow no matter what comes your way.

Shed what no longer serves you. Many of us carry for years the thoughts, feelings, and emotions about past events. The past dominates our thoughts with what if’s. It’s hard to live in the present moment when one lets the past consume current thoughts.

‘Be’ present. Focus on the present moment. You will be more productive, happier, and your mind will become clearer. Your life will be better.

Remind yourself how strong and resilient you are. Know that you have creative ways of growing, of being — regardless of the challenges you encounter in your life.

Contemplate how trees and people mirror one another. Be a tree!

Are you interested in trying yoga to regain the physical freedom you once had?  Sign up for one of my online yoga classes.  It’s a great way to give it a try and find out if yoga is something you would enjoy.

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