Results for the category: Fitness
Staying Motivated to Exercise

Staying Motivated to Exercise

Staying motivated to exercise is a common issue for many. Latest research has shed some light of the barriers and paths to being successful. Here’s how to overcome those challenges and maintain your goals.

Understanding Upper Cross Syndrome

Understanding Upper Cross Syndrome

Sedentary Lifestyle and Poor Posture are Key Factors in Upper Cross Syndrome In today's digital age, most of us spend hours hunched over computer screens and smartphones or sitting in comfy chairs watching TV. This sedentary lifestyle, combined with poor posture, can...

A Surprising Predictor of Longevity

A Surprising Predictor of Longevity

A Quest for Longer Life In the quest for a longer and healthier life, people often turn to diets, exercise routines, and other wellness practices to maintain their well-being. While these are undoubtedly essential, an often overlooked indicator of overall health and...

How to Prepare Your Body for Hiking

How to Prepare Your Body for Hiking

Hiking is quite physically and emotionally demanding. These tips will help you prepare your body for the transition from walking to hiking.

Channel Your Inner Athlete for Optimal Health

Channel Your Inner Athlete for Optimal Health

We all know that feeling. You're in the zone, entirely focused and performing at your absolute best. Every movement seems to flow effortlessly. Time seems to stand still, and you feel invincible. Athletes call this "the zone" or "being in the flow." It's a state of...

The Importance of Shoulder Muscles

The Importance of Shoulder Muscles

Many underestimate the importance of shoulder muscles. If shoulder muscles are weak or inactive, it can lead to poor posture and discomfort.

How Chair Yoga Can Benefit Your Health

How Chair Yoga Can Benefit Your Health

Regular yoga practice has been shown to provide a plethora of health benefits. These benefits include improved flexibility, joint function, muscle strength, balance and coordination, and more. Suppose you're looking for a way to improve your health. In that case,...

The Benefits of Yoga

The Benefits of Yoga

The benefits of yoga go beyond improved flexibility. Studies have shown it improves strength, balance, mobility, pain, awareness and more.

How Much Exercise Do YOU Need?

How Much Exercise Do YOU Need?

Studies show weekly exercise needs are based on number of minutes of physical activity. Increased physical activity times show a significant reduction in mortality rate.

Life Expectancy in the United States

Life Expectancy in the United States

Research shows average life expectancy in the United States has dropped. Luckily, there are things you can do to improve your life expectancy while enjoying a more fulfilling life.

Core Strength and Stability

Core Strength and Stability

Core strength and stability is dependent on a number of factors. How we walk and sit are two primary elements that contribute, here’s how…

These Hips Are Made for Walking

These Hips Are Made for Walking

Your hips play a pivotol role when walking. Proper flexibiliby and balance helps your hip movements and prevents walking difficulties.

Proper Walking Techniques

Proper Walking Techniques

Proper walking techniques are essential to keep your body aligned and assure that your muscles work efficiently and effectively.

Shoulder Pain and Prevention

Shoulder Pain and Prevention

Customized treatment plans can improve range of motion, strength and reduce swelling to improve existing shoulder pain and prevention of future occurrences.

Strong Abdominals Help Reduce Back Pain

Strong Abdominals Help Reduce Back Pain

Holding your stomach in creates a number of problems physically. Strong abdominals are key to avoiding those problems and offer many benefits at the same time.

Flexible Ankles

Flexible Ankles

It’s important to keep your ankles flexible to help maintain mobility and balance and to reduce the chance of injury, damage or inflammation.

YOUR GEAR: Yoga Props & Exercise Equipment

YOUR GEAR: Yoga Props & Exercise Equipment

As we cautiously resume our routines, buying your own yoga props & equipment is a great safety measure. Here’s a buying guide to help you choose your yoga and fitness equipment.

Quad Muscles: How to Keep them Strong and Balanced

Quad Muscles: How to Keep them Strong and Balanced

Quad muscles play an important role in our body, but they can also cause us a lot of discomfort and pain. Use these simple techniques to relieve tight quad muscles and get back to living pain free.

Recognizing and Correcting Bad Habits

Recognizing and Correcting Bad Habits

Bad habits can often be the reason we develop pain. Recognizing bad habits and taking steps to correcting them are key to feeling better physically.

Is Yoga Balanced?

Is Yoga Balanced?

Yoga is a well balanced option for those who need diversity in their regular routine and movements. Find out why this balance is so important for our bodies.

Why Practice Yoga?

Why Practice Yoga?

There are so many benefits when you practice yoga. Some common benefits of yoga are: grounding, stretching, moving, strengthening, reducing pain and stress, and so much more.

Do We Need Cardio Workouts?

Do We Need Cardio Workouts?

You might be wondering if you need a cardio workout in your regular routine. Before heading to the gym, let’s examine how the body benefits from increasing one’s heart rate during a cardio workout.

Body Stiffness: It May Be Your Fascia

Body Stiffness: It May Be Your Fascia

If you have body stiffness or pain, you might be surprised to know that it could be related to your fascia which requires regular movements and stretching.

Fascia and Why it can Cause Us Pain

Fascia and Why it can Cause Us Pain

Fascia is the connective tissue that holds everything in place. Restricting movement due to injury or pain can affect other areas of the body.

Strengthening Your Core

Strengthening Your Core

Here are the benefits and exercises to develop, maintain and strengthen your core. These are many issues associated with having a weak core.

The Benefits of Movement

The Benefits of Movement

Movement is so important in stretching your joints and keeping them lubricated. Here are some fun creative ways to incorporate movement in your daily life.

How Could Sitting be Bad for YOU?

How Could Sitting be Bad for YOU?

Sitting too long is not healthy for our bodies. With the explosion of technology, many lives are not balanced with enough physical activity.

Upcoming Online Classes

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Staying Motivated to Exercise

Staying Motivated to Exercise

Staying motivated to exercise is a common issue for many. Latest research has shed some light of the barriers and paths to being successful. Here’s how to overcome those challenges and maintain your goals.

Understanding Upper Cross Syndrome

Understanding Upper Cross Syndrome

Sedentary Lifestyle and Poor Posture are Key Factors in Upper Cross Syndrome In today's digital age, most of us spend hours hunched over computer screens and smartphones or sitting in comfy chairs watching TV. This sedentary lifestyle, combined with poor posture, can...

A Surprising Predictor of Longevity

A Surprising Predictor of Longevity

A Quest for Longer Life In the quest for a longer and healthier life, people often turn to diets, exercise routines, and other wellness practices to maintain their well-being. While these are undoubtedly essential, an often overlooked indicator of overall health and...

How to Prepare Your Body for Hiking

How to Prepare Your Body for Hiking

Hiking is quite physically and emotionally demanding. These tips will help you prepare your body for the transition from walking to hiking.

Channel Your Inner Athlete for Optimal Health

Channel Your Inner Athlete for Optimal Health

We all know that feeling. You're in the zone, entirely focused and performing at your absolute best. Every movement seems to flow effortlessly. Time seems to stand still, and you feel invincible. Athletes call this "the zone" or "being in the flow." It's a state of...

The Importance of Shoulder Muscles

The Importance of Shoulder Muscles

Many underestimate the importance of shoulder muscles. If shoulder muscles are weak or inactive, it can lead to poor posture and discomfort.

How Chair Yoga Can Benefit Your Health

How Chair Yoga Can Benefit Your Health

Regular yoga practice has been shown to provide a plethora of health benefits. These benefits include improved flexibility, joint function, muscle strength, balance and coordination, and more. Suppose you're looking for a way to improve your health. In that case,...

The Benefits of Yoga

The Benefits of Yoga

The benefits of yoga go beyond improved flexibility. Studies have shown it improves strength, balance, mobility, pain, awareness and more.

How Much Exercise Do YOU Need?

How Much Exercise Do YOU Need?

Studies show weekly exercise needs are based on number of minutes of physical activity. Increased physical activity times show a significant reduction in mortality rate.

Life Expectancy in the United States

Life Expectancy in the United States

Research shows average life expectancy in the United States has dropped. Luckily, there are things you can do to improve your life expectancy while enjoying a more fulfilling life.

Core Strength and Stability

Core Strength and Stability

Core strength and stability is dependent on a number of factors. How we walk and sit are two primary elements that contribute, here’s how…

These Hips Are Made for Walking

These Hips Are Made for Walking

Your hips play a pivotol role when walking. Proper flexibiliby and balance helps your hip movements and prevents walking difficulties.

Proper Walking Techniques

Proper Walking Techniques

Proper walking techniques are essential to keep your body aligned and assure that your muscles work efficiently and effectively.

Shoulder Pain and Prevention

Shoulder Pain and Prevention

Customized treatment plans can improve range of motion, strength and reduce swelling to improve existing shoulder pain and prevention of future occurrences.

Strong Abdominals Help Reduce Back Pain

Strong Abdominals Help Reduce Back Pain

Holding your stomach in creates a number of problems physically. Strong abdominals are key to avoiding those problems and offer many benefits at the same time.

Flexible Ankles

Flexible Ankles

It’s important to keep your ankles flexible to help maintain mobility and balance and to reduce the chance of injury, damage or inflammation.

YOUR GEAR: Yoga Props & Exercise Equipment

YOUR GEAR: Yoga Props & Exercise Equipment

As we cautiously resume our routines, buying your own yoga props & equipment is a great safety measure. Here’s a buying guide to help you choose your yoga and fitness equipment.

Quad Muscles: How to Keep them Strong and Balanced

Quad Muscles: How to Keep them Strong and Balanced

Quad muscles play an important role in our body, but they can also cause us a lot of discomfort and pain. Use these simple techniques to relieve tight quad muscles and get back to living pain free.

Recognizing and Correcting Bad Habits

Recognizing and Correcting Bad Habits

Bad habits can often be the reason we develop pain. Recognizing bad habits and taking steps to correcting them are key to feeling better physically.

Is Yoga Balanced?

Is Yoga Balanced?

Yoga is a well balanced option for those who need diversity in their regular routine and movements. Find out why this balance is so important for our bodies.

Why Practice Yoga?

Why Practice Yoga?

There are so many benefits when you practice yoga. Some common benefits of yoga are: grounding, stretching, moving, strengthening, reducing pain and stress, and so much more.

Do We Need Cardio Workouts?

Do We Need Cardio Workouts?

You might be wondering if you need a cardio workout in your regular routine. Before heading to the gym, let’s examine how the body benefits from increasing one’s heart rate during a cardio workout.

Body Stiffness: It May Be Your Fascia

Body Stiffness: It May Be Your Fascia

If you have body stiffness or pain, you might be surprised to know that it could be related to your fascia which requires regular movements and stretching.

Fascia and Why it can Cause Us Pain

Fascia and Why it can Cause Us Pain

Fascia is the connective tissue that holds everything in place. Restricting movement due to injury or pain can affect other areas of the body.

Strengthening Your Core

Strengthening Your Core

Here are the benefits and exercises to develop, maintain and strengthen your core. These are many issues associated with having a weak core.

The Benefits of Movement

The Benefits of Movement

Movement is so important in stretching your joints and keeping them lubricated. Here are some fun creative ways to incorporate movement in your daily life.

How Could Sitting be Bad for YOU?

How Could Sitting be Bad for YOU?

Sitting too long is not healthy for our bodies. With the explosion of technology, many lives are not balanced with enough physical activity.