Toxic Ingredients in Processed Food

Health & Wellness Article, Healthy Eating, Physical Health

Our busy lives result in us buying more processed foods

There is more evidence to suggest that increasing the intake of fruit and vegetables will make one healthier.  We now receive new health information almost daily: sit less, move more, learn something new to protect your brain, etc. Increasingly, we cook less purchasing more prepared foods from the grocery store.  Our food has more ingredients added, many of which are not recognizable, and may be harmful to our bodies – – some may even cause cancer.  If we cooked the food from our gardens, these mystery ingredients would not be included in what we ate.

There are hidden chemicals in your food.

When was the last time you read the labels or researched the safety of those added ingredients? In the last several years, plastic with BPA became a natural replacement for glass containers. Little did we know that BPA is reportedly harmful to us.

But what about all the other hidden chemicals in our food? I’ve included a chart naming the 25 common hidden toxic ingredients in our food today. Thanks to Jonathan Aluzas from “Arena Fitness” for permission to republish this list.

Our food in the past…

Before pharmaceutical companies existed, people were using spices, plants, and oils to improve health. Lavender acts to relax the body and mind helping one to sleep better. Peppermint oil can help treat digestive issues, sinus infections, and nausea. Cabbage leaves have been shown to reduce chronic knee pain in some situations.

Seasonings are more beneficial than just added flavor

“Turmeric” is used in many middle eastern dishes, giving curry its vibrant color. But it is more than that. Turmeric has medicinal properties and has long been known to reduce inflammation. Scientists now believe that chronic, low-level inflammation plays a significant role in chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome, and possibly Alzheimer’s.

We each have about 10-13 trillion cells in our body. Every 100 days, the body must rebuild itself. Therefore, the cells that make up your body today are not the same cells your body will have in 3-4 months. Cancer cells are cells that overstay their welcome in the body. In effect, the “death receptors” in cancer cells are not working correctly. Turmeric has been shown to activate the death receptors in cancer cells. Less than a teaspoon a day of turmeric is a typical dosage level. Pharmaceutical companies are now experimenting with cancer-fighting drugs that include turmeric in their composition.

FYI … other foods may help protect your DNA, including kiwi, cruciferous vegetables, leafy vegetables, green tea, and garlic. Why not include more cancer and anti-inflammatory foods in your diet. Who knows, you might decide your mother was right – – you need to “eat your vegetables.”

If you would like help on your wellness journey, schedule a private consultation.

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