Live Life to the Fullest
Given the seemingly never-ending spate of global calamities in the news, I am thinking about our need to practice better ‘focus’ and specifically, where one should place more emphasis.
Do you live your life fully?
Life is not assured. No one knows when their last day will occur or when we will talk to an especially close friend for the last time.
Holding grudges and being angry is detrimental to ourselves as well as to others. Focusing on negative feelings and thoughts causes stress in the body, eventually leading to health issues. Dating from the origin of our species, the brain’s job was to focus on threats (negatives) and to do so repeatedly, keeping them top of mind until abated. This is still a primary function of the brain — if we let it be.
The POWER of meditation
What is a technique to NOT let it be that way? The regular practice of meditation can help to refocus our minds, thereby reducing stress so that we become more patient and understanding. A meditation practice can also reduce anxiety, depression, and pain. Research confirms that there are also positive changes in the brain when we meditate. The area of the brain named the ‘amygdala’ — that is responsible for fear, anxiety, and stress — can be reduced in size through meditation.
Here are some positive steps one can take in one’s daily life to be more focused by being more mindful:
Tell the people in your life “Congratulations” for each achievement big and small! Everyone likes to hear it, and you’ll be recognized for your praise because that word is not said very often as people have less time to listen and react constructively.
Think before you speak. “Words spoken in haste cannot be erased” is an old saying that applies here.
Show kindness and respect to others even when you think they don’t deserve it. We can’t know what they are going through. Give them the benefit of the doubt. It may be that they need words of encouragement or understanding or just a gentle “pat on the back” or touch on the hand.
Forgive those who have hurt you or made you angry in the past. This will help “your” mind to let it go, as well. Forgive yourself. You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it.
Look at how far you have come. You are not the person you were last year or last month or even yesterday. Celebrate positive steps forward. Remember, you are enough.
Be generous. Help others.
Smile. It is infectious.
Try meditation. Start by being quiet for a few minutes or go outside to appreciate nature. If you need help getting started, reach out to me for a one-on-one session. You will help yourself to be healthier, and your mind will be in a better place.
If you would like help on your wellness journey, schedule a private consultation.
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