The Amazing Benefits of a Lifestyle Change
I checked in with the receptionist at my doctor’s office for a routine follow-up visit. I was also asked the usual personal questions, the responses for which were overheard by the patient in line behind me … including my birth date.
When I stepped away from the desk, the man behind me said that he was “amazed.” As we engaged in a conversation, he explained that we are the same age, but I look 20 years younger than he does. He further explained his high degree of disbelief! My life’s purpose is to help people, so I decided to explain how I changed my life to improve myself.
It’s been a long journey to get to this point
My physical journey to overall wellness was not the only journey. There were other challenges, as well. Losing the vision in my right eye was one. Three doctors told me I would never regain my sight in that eye, and they were right! It’s something that you learn to live with.
The things I gave up…
Fast forward ten years, and I discovered that I have some food allergies. This was when I decided to change the way I was eating by giving up sugar, chemicals, and white flour. Yoga and meditation were already a part of my life. The missing piece was to change my food choices.
Making these changes was one of my best decisions because it set the stage for improved health and started another journey, the return of my vision. Yes, you read that right, my vision has returned. Of course, the doctors denied that there was an improvement, but the eye chart doesn’t lie … my eyesight has come back.
So what caused the improvement?
My physicians will never know for sure, but I credit all the changes that I made to improve my health and wellness – exercise, yoga, meditation, and the final piece, proper nutrition. I attribute my physical appearance to those changes as well. Plus, I feel great, and that is the most important thing. Looking 20 years younger is a nice compliment, but what is important is my health. My goal is to be healthy for as long as possible and to help others do the same.
How I found my motivation
The blessing in disguise is that if I had not been injured in the first place, I probably would not have made all the changes. I often joke that my age is 100, but I feel 35. I am grateful that I am in a good place and can use what happened to motivate others.
What about you?
Are you waiting for something monumental to happen before you improve your health? It’s not too late to make changes. Start small. You may discover that even just one change will improve other areas of your life, as well!
Awesome outcomes happen. They happened to me, and can happen to you, also! You just need to take the First Step. You can do it and, if you would like help, reach out to me.
Are you tired of living with pain?
Are your activities and daily choices determined by your level of pain?
Are you ready to change your life for the better and gain back your physical freedom?
My unique and custom designed approach comes from years of training, education and experience. Together, we will get you back to living pain free and enjoying life.
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It’s never too late to try something new.
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