Improving Back Pain Requires Belief & Determination
Just like many other businesses, I get client referrals from local physical therapists. Periodically I check in with them to keep the relationship going.
I’d like to share the most significant part of a recent conversation with one physical therapist. The conversation started with why this office is busy even though the office is not very visible from the street.
Many of the patients are return clients. A significant number return year after year with the same problem. Unfortunately, some return with the same problem and have developed other issues as well.
At this point, you might be wondering why.
Well, there are a few reasons.
One: It’s easier than ever to see a physical therapist. In most cases, medical insurance covers all or most of the costs. Therefore, why execute your follow-up plan when you can return year after year for the therapist to help you improve?
Two: There is no reason to put effort into maintaining any improvement because results are only temporary.
Three: One does not always understand the consequences of doing nothing.
Four: Most people expect that as you mature, health issues will naturally develop. Every year the problems just naturally keep getting worse. There is nothing you can do to prevent it.
What do you believe?
There are plenty of myths surrounding health and wellness. So many, in fact, that I will need to share those thoughts at another time.
We believe many myths and misinformation that have been repeated as truth, but are not based on the evidence. Unfortunately, it is easy to believe what others in your circle of friends and family think because of all the readily available reinforcement.
Associating with like-minded people who think and act as you wish to become will help you change the way you think and encourage you to stay healthy.
It is also the case that it is easier to believe the myths, than to change one’s thinking. However, when one is open to the possibilities, change can occur.
I have met many people who have been told by their medical doctor what to expect going forward. Patients give up believing that one opinion as truth. On the other hand, we all know people who refused to accept a short life timeline and went on to live happy lives for many more years.
So many with back pain believe the myths and half-truths that keep them from improving. In many situations, we don’t even realize that our thinking is limited by the one of-a-kind stories well-meaning people have shared.
The body is a magnificent creation that can heal itself if you are willing to set aside your limiting beliefs.
Bottom Line: Focus on positive thoughts. Be open to possibilities. Know that you have the power!
If you’re interested in support on your wellness journey or would like to know more about my services, send me a message or call (973) 476-8661.
Are you tired of living with pain?
Are your activities and daily choices determined by your level of pain?
Are you ready to change your life for the better and gain back your physical freedom?
My unique and custom designed approach comes from years of training, education and experience. Together, we will get you back to living pain free and enjoying life.
Sign up for a private session today
It’s never too late to try something new.
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