Hurricane of Change

Coping with Repeated Monumentous Events

How quickly our lives can change

These are undoubtedly challenging times. The world shifted a few months ago when the Covid-19 virus changed our lives for some time to come. There should be a future end date. We all just needed to be patient and wait. Then, at some point, one would return to a new/normal life. Yes, some things would then be different. Afterword, more people would work from home. Education would be more available online, and more shopping would also move online. Even fitness training would continue moving to a virtual environment.

A Movement for change following the tragic and preventable death of George Floyd

But, now our world is shifting again. The shift caused by COVID-19 was an inevitable change. Now, there is another shift, one that could have happened a long time ago. The impact of both at the same time can cause frustration and disillusionment. Everyone’s experience is different, and so is their reaction to all the changes. No matter what thoughts you have about the current situation, there is stress, uncertainty, and anxiety.

According to Jack Kornfield, renowned thought leader in the field of mindfulness, the world as we knew it was an illusion. Everything has been turned upside down. “What was right was wrong, and what was wrong was right,” Kornfield said.

This is a time for reflection and stillness

It’s helpful to acknowledge your discomfort and anger.  Not only to understand how to move forward, but to cope with the ever-changing environment. Each of you will deal with the upheaval in your own way and discover your unique call-to-action.

You may be wondering how you will navigate through all of these shifts.

Communicate and connect with others

Emotional distress is not uncommon. You will feel nourished by connecting with your community. Engage in problem-solving with others. It’s helpful to get input from those whom you know.

Take time for yourself each day

Restore your emotional equilibrium by taking time, every day, for yourself. Meditating, reflecting, and deep breathing techniques can help manage your elevated stress level.

Stay informed while limiting your amount of exposure

Budget your exposure to news and social media. It’s essential to stay informed. There is also a time to turn it off.

Slow down, listen and learn

Your first reaction may be to swing into action when this is a time to slow down, listen, and learn. Instead, prioritize your efforts. Don’t act impulsively.

Retreating inward is a way to protect yourself from the chaos of the world. Research studies have found that this can cause you to get stuck in negative emotions. You, too, may even experience moments of anxiety and mild depression.

Remember what you’re grateful for

Practicing gratitude has a positive effect on our minds, helping us to feel better. This technique only takes a few minutes a day.


Volunteering can enhance your emotional well-being. Taking action helps us to feel strong, capable, and resilient. Your wise choices and actions have ripple effects that will positively impact the people around you. You can best process any change integrating it one step at a time.

Continue doing the things you love

Participating in enjoyable activities may lower blood pressure, improve your mood, and give you a greater sense of calm, lessening the effects of any negative impact from stress.

Practice yoga

Restoring your emotional equilibrium will help you cope with the challenges of this upheaval. Yoga can help here. It’s more than poses. It’s about self-reflection, understanding who you are, and helping you move forward in life.

As a society, it is clear that we have much work to do. However, you decide how to participate. So, start by taking time to reflect, listen, and learn.


C:  Take steps to restore Calmness. Contemplate, meditate, and reflect before making decisions.
O:  Observe and learn. Organize your thoughts.
P:  Be at Peace with your decisions. Whatever you decide, do what’s right for you.
E:  Educate yourself. Allow yourself to be at Ease. Acknowledge your Emotions.
 I:  Turn Inward. Whether you take action or not, know you can Improve the conditions that upset you.
N:  Be open to New perspectives.
G:  Set realistic Goals for action.

Are you interested in trying yoga to regain the physical freedom you once had?  Sign up for one of my online yoga classes.  It’s a great way to give it a try and find out if yoga is something you would enjoy.

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