Heart health is one of the highest priorities in one’s life as we age.

There is a new podcast about heart health and stress relief benefits from the practice of yoga.  The author is a long-time yoga teacher who works with “Dr. Ornish’s Preventive Medicine Research Institute.”  It is the only program in the United States that Medicare/Medicaid covers 100% to reverse heart disease without surgery.  Many Ornish program participants get significant improvement by the end of 6 weeks.  This program regimen includes yoga, meditation, and guided imagery along with diet and exercise.

Heart health affects the longevity and quality of one’s life.  Why not improve your own life by incorporating some of the activity components of the program in your daily routine?

Here’s 12 Simple Suggestions to Improve and Maintain Good Heart Health:

  1. Be more physically active. Take a break from sitting at your desk by getting up every 30 minutes to move. Walk around the office or the block.
  2. Eat a variety of nutritious foods, including more fruits and vegetables every day. Monitor and reduce your salt intake. Less salt in your diet helps manage your blood pressure.
  3. Start your day with a healthy breakfast. You will be less hungry throughout the day.
  4. Have a handful of nuts or seeds every day. They contain healthy fat that your body needs.
  5. Vary what you eat each day to keep it interesting, and it will be easier to stay on a health-conscious track.
  6. Drink 8 glasses of water daily. Your body needs water to maintain bodily functions and lubricate the joints.
  7. A few minutes of deep breathing helps oxygenate your physical body, enables you to release stress, and helps clear your mind. It may also help lower your blood pressure.
  8. Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of heart disease and other health problems in some people.
  9. Make some time for self-care. Take a moment at the start of each day to express gratitude, setting the tone for the day. Those who express gratitude tend to have better health and feel more positive.
  10. Know your numbers. Manage your blood pressure and cholesterol. Taking a 20-30 minute moderately paced walk after eating a meal helps to reduce the cholesterol in your arteries.
  11. Get support from those close to you. Love and support from friends and family improve the quality of one’s life.
  12. Regularly attend a yoga class that includes breathing, meditation, movement, and mindfulness. Yoga includes many of the elements of the ‘Ornish program.’ Research indicates that yoga helps increase blood flow, lower blood pressure, open space for better breathing, plus helps you focus and creates inner peace. Yoga is an integral part of a balanced self-care program.
Every change you make will help you garner more energy, help you manage stress and help you reduce your chances of getting heart disease.  Start with small changes. They can lead to significant progress in your journey to improved health.

Do you need help with your health and wellness journey?  Schedule a one-on-one consultation.

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