Setting & Keeping Resolutions for 2019

Emotional Health, Health & Wellness Article, Self Improvement

Start the year off right!

You Are the Director of Your Life.  Take time to close out last year reviewing 2018 by looking at year in reverse.  Start with the holidays, then the beginning of winter, the start of fall and so on.  Let your mind review each season for a moment like the highlights of a movie.  The good times and the not so good times.

Don’t get bogged down in the details.

Notice how much happened last year.  Once you complete the year, take time to express gratitude for each moment, each experience.

Next, bring yourself to this moment, the start off this year.  You are the director of your “movie” for 2019.  What dreams will you fulfill?  What obstacles will you overcome?  Who are the main characters?  What will bring you joy?  What is the theme of your movie?

Take time to write your script for the year.

Remember, it’s just a first draft.  Any good movie director knows that adjustments to the script are necessary along the way.  Be flexible. At the beginning of each quarter, review your script for the year.  You can assess how much you have accomplished and adjust the script if needed.

My script includes a focus on self-care.  I know that some weeks will be better than others.  I have built in the expectation that there will be challenges along the way that will test my resolve.  Any improvement in my focus is a win for me.

What’s the focus of your script?

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