Keep on Mov’in for Back Pain Relief
Back-Pain is Public Enemy #1
Mindful Alignment combines key elements of yoga, meditation, breathing & movement to help sufferers of back pain relieve the stress and tension on those pain points. Through extensive education and research, I have developed key techniques to relieving back pain issues.
Following are six (6) life-altering characteristics of YOUR ‘Back-Pain’:
- It’s DEBILITATING: drains YOUR available energy
- It’s CHRONIC: a persistent disruptor of YOUR daily routine
- It’s VEXING: commands too much of YOUR attention
- It’s an INTERRUPTOR: derails YOUR personal lifestyle
- It’s UBIQUITOUS: disregards segmentation by age, gender, race, or status
- It GROWS: instead of one pain point, it can emanate to other body areas
How many of the above-mentioned life-altering BACK-PAIN characteristics IMPACT YOUR LIFE – – RIGHT NOW?
To discover a proven, solution for easing YOUR Back-Pain, READ ON …

Following are six (6) life-altering characteristics of YOUR ‘Back-Pain’:
- It’s DEBILITATING: drains YOUR available energy
- It’s CHRONIC: a persistent disruptor of YOUR daily routine
- It’s VEXING: commands too much of YOUR attention
- It’s an INTERRUPTOR: derails YOUR personal lifestyle
- It’s UBIQUITOUS: disregards segmentation by age, gender, race, or status
- It GROWS: instead of one pain point, it can emanate to other body areas
How many of the above-mentioned life-altering BACK-PAIN characteristics IMPACT YOUR LIFE – – RIGHT NOW?
To discover a proven, solution for easing YOUR Back-Pain, READ ON …
Back Pain Impacts Your Entire Life – Let’s Get Mov’in Again!
1 in 4 adults with back pain is in poor physical health.
Is that YOU as well?
Nearly 65 million Americans report a recent episode of back pain. Some 16 million adults — 8 percent of all adults — experience persistent or chronic back pain, and as a result are limited in certain everyday activities. In the United States, back pain is the sixth most costly condition to treat.
Is Your Back Pain Stopping YOU From:
- Taking your favorite walks?
- Staying active (and healthy)?
- Getting a restful night of sleep?
- Increasing productivity at work?
- Playing with your kids or grandkids?
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- PRIVATE CLASSES – Schedule an individualized virtual or in-person session to exactly fit your needs. More Info
- ONLINE CLASSES – Join me (and others) in a virtual session from the convenience of your own home. View Schedule.
Keep on mov’in with Linda!
Many people spend most of the day sitting, and some spend 4-5 hours a day hunched over technology, causing the neck, shoulders, and back to become tight and misaligned. When your head and shoulders come forward, the space needed for the lungs to expand is reduced, resulting in less oxygen in the vascular system. Less oxygen in the lungs leads to less energy.
As the muscles become tight, the spine changes shape and becomes misaligned, causing its muscles to become tighter and more painful. Spine flexibility is, therefore, reduced restricting rib cage movement and causing the lungs to inflate less.
In a healthy lifestyle, improved strength, flexibility, and better alignment are essential for the entire body and very positively affect energy and a healthy, active lifestyle. As well, YOUR bones, muscles, and fascia need to move and, therefore, all must be supple – – not stiff. The less one exercises, the weaker and the less flexible the body becomes.
Combined with spinal stiffness, back PAIN contributes to less oxygen in the lungs again, resulting in less energy.
So, you can see that the foregoing process both reduces one’s energy and is circular. Experiencing less and less energy over time is not how you want to live.
Join my Newsletter and Receive a FREE Quick Stretches Guide for Back Pain Relief
TAKE ACTION: Orchestrate your journey so that YOU can thrive!

Keep on mov’in with Linda!
Many people spend most of the day sitting, and some spend 4-5 hours a day hunched over technology, causing the neck, shoulders, and back to become tight and misaligned. When your head and shoulders come forward, the space needed for the lungs to expand is reduced, resulting in less oxygen in the vascular system. Less oxygen in the lungs leads to less energy.
As the muscles become tight, the spine changes shape and becomes misaligned, causing its muscles to become tighter and more painful. Spine flexibility is, therefore, reduced restricting rib cage movement and causing the lungs to inflate less.
In a healthy lifestyle, improved strength, flexibility, and better alignment are essential for the entire body and very positively affect energy and a healthy, active lifestyle. As well, YOUR bones, muscles, and fascia need to move and, therefore, all must be supple – – not stiff. The less one exercises, the weaker and the less flexible the body becomes.
Combined with spinal stiffness, back PAIN contributes to less oxygen in the lungs again, resulting in less energy.
So, you can see that the foregoing process both reduces one’s energy and is circular. Experiencing less and less energy over time is not how you want to live.
Join my Newsletter and Receive a FREE Quick Stretches Guide for Back Pain Relief
TAKE ACTION: Orchestrate your journey so that YOU can thrive!